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Requiem for USofA

How Ironic
Each new day seems to bring ever new developments that cause disbelief and wonderment; albeit not of the spiritual type.

The speed with which the population has seemed to slip back into a continuation of their civil war (at least ideologically so far) never entered this observers head 2-3 years ago.
What an irony, falling prey itself to the core technique used by it to topple other governments around the world that do not lay down and betray their people and sovereignty under the yoke of the “American Empire”.

A betrayal of trust by the ruling classes is not just about massive financial sector fraud; collapse of the health and education systems to adequately service the 65%; the diversion of gargantuan amounts of the country’s spiritual, social and physical capital to the military and continual war;
No, its the betrayal of TRUTH.

And to most Americans it seems, their God (TRUTH) is America itself. Who can withstand the death of their God in the blink of an eye and not be destroyed? Look back in history to the dark ages to start to attune oneself to likely trajectories.

Do you think that the “Cosmic Consciousness Mystery” (Yahweh, God, Allah) might look at the current state of affairs, as in Genesis, with delight?

If you can find the time, re-screen the motion picture “A Prairie Home Companion”. A more powerful ode to an America that once was is hard to find. Given the current state of American culture and society, this film may be almost unrecognisable to most. If it wasn’t for the sheer brilliance of the performers, writers and production crew, it would be too painful to watch.

The loss of a dream has too cathartic an effect.

So much for America. But what about the rest of us, particularly those of the Eurocentric world?
Everywhere one looks, the Buddhist classic “three fires of destruction”, greed, hatred and ignorance are on the rise. Is it too much to say that there is a catastrophic breakdown in morality and ethics?

What is to become of us?

Could the new shoots of Anatheism starting to appear be a small hope? If it is, will it arrive early enough to avoid further massive destruction and pain?
One sometimes gets the feeling that the Gods aren’t too confident of that happening. And given the ever rising level of anxiety one can sense in society, like the Gods, neither are we.

Hence the import of Ms. Johnstone’s downloadable piece. A call for new ideas is critical, and ideas can come from all of us now, because the story tellers from the elite classes have finally been stripped of their clothes. BUT. That means that we have to put personal time and effort to the enterprise. Perhaps we can start by changing that inane “have a nice day” to ………….


The Global Scam

What don’t you want to negotiate?

Sanctions are a way to dispel the true nature
of what is being done underneath.

Sanctions are the way through the red tape
because in essence men in madness never, ever think …
that through a sanction in place
there is never an opportunity but more disgrace
to talk about the whole truth and what in effect can be done,
rather than the bullish approach – we own everything and everyone.


Loss of Vision

What are the Energising Visions in the World

What are the energising visions for young people available in the World to engage and excite them?

Can you feel their buzz of anticipation, at the prospect of their worth as individuals, making a noticeable contribution to the collective WORTH?

Their impatience with the delay imposed by the need to spend time getting an education for life, as well as enhancement of the particular skills they have been endowed with since birth, can sometimes be felt as focused excitement.

Admittedly it varies somewhat depending on which part of the World one finds oneself at any given time. It is interesting to observe this through filters, the choice of which perhaps depends on which wisdom tradition the observer has some acquaintance with. For example, the Christian Way might choose compassion and justice, but Confucian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish etc. have filters of their own, aligned with the particular culture in which they are in process of expressing.

It is interesting how the general Scientific Way seems to differ quite markedly from the preceding examples. When using its preferred filters (economic, radical individualism, philosophical and consumer materialism etc), the Eurocentric World in particular stands out in this traveller’s experience as significantly different to the masses of the Global South.

Asian young people for example seem to exhibit a respectful vibrancy which is most enticing, while the Eurocentric cultural centres of the Global North appear to have a somewhat bifurcated split. Perhaps as much as 40/60, highly educated-mobile / less well educated- under employed – wasting in despair.

Why the big difference? What are the different Visions driving the different cultures; could this be a real factor? Are there different Visions?

Since the end of WW11, the West has had a growing neo-liberal vision of wealth without the need for any moral code, supposedly leading to nirvana. This was very attractive for the first 20 years while growth was driven by war reconstruction, but after the early seventies, various modes of debt have been used to keep things going. Until 2007/2008 and the Global Financial Crisis. Instead of fixing its financial boat the West stopped bailing and let the debt waters rush in as if it were the Titanic sinking.
No real growth anymore and a managed simultaneous debt deflation by Western Central Banks has been trying to keep that fact from popular view. This of course has been accompanied by 0-1% interest rates which carry with them a massive political time bomb a bit further down the track when people find that there are no superannuation contracts that are going to be honoured. At 1% interest, you have to amass a huge capital pile to generate a living cash flow. Kindergarten numbers tells you how that is going to end up.

The problem here though is that the Vision that all political groups/parties/etc have hitched their wagons to has now failed, with no chance of coming back in its present form, and young people in the West know it. – They also know that without a dramatic change, the drift to the use of suppressive violence will most likely increase, and they know who are going to cop the burden of most of that!

Just as with the world’s physical resources, so with its young human creative potential. You can’t keep using them up forever without consequences. The more that technology is pressed into a rapacious end, the increasingly bumpy becomes the ride. Nature will have its way.

We will know the situation is dire (and probably irretrievable) when climatic Geo-engineering starts in open view. The same thing goes for the young. Make it progressively harder to generate the social conditions needed for sufficient reproduction and you shorten the life span of this particular culture/system/civilisation.

The one absolute certainty beside death is that creation will easily dispose of us if we do not wake up.

There is that Vision problem again.

At least the Asians are trying to put something new together in the rational domain, called OBOR. In this traveller’s opinion it has its serious deficiencies integrating with their spiritual domain, but does seem to be giving their young people a lot of energy at the moment.

What do we have at the moment but more of the failing same, both rationally and spiritually.

And a rapidly unravelling Western World Order to boot!



Set adrift to where … ?

Adrift is a perfect word to describe cutting from the anchoring to the winner take all working world of supposed worth and yet when disconnected, what is it we have of worth from that Westernised view of value?

Adrift in retirement can be part of the time out to value just the person Me; without the choking yoke of that valueless burdensome view of the absolute primacy of total work, which when the end comes, does not count anymore.

Lost in translation that word retirement. And when that yoke of constant work ceases what then; more of the same without the value of the view of who we thought we were; and now what of our daily grind or sense of worth?

Know thyself – Now is a good time to think about exploring that.

Ageing looks forward to diminished physical and financial power, but if kept healthy, the capacity and time to think still beckons. Who knows, further maturing may even be beneficial to your progeny. Even calling for account of the political and market and military wolves maybe what our young will need to assist them in dealing with the mess that they are progressively starting to inherit.

This is an exciting time. The current philosophical underpinning of global monopoly capitalism — philosophical materialism — has already started to hear its distant bells ringing from many quarters and especially from what cutting edge science has been opening up since the start of last century. However it has been taking some real gut punches of late. If you doubt that check out the panpsychism ship jumpers seemingly heading toward joining the other bell ringers. The vicious back stabs thrown at them have been strikingly interesting to watch.

In philosophy, panpsychism is the view that consciousness, mind, or soul is a universal and primordial feature of all things. Panpsychists see themselves as minds in a world of mind. Wikipedia

For the retiree now heading into the last furlong, a bit of time to check this new world out might be helpful in the long run.


Ten Minutes of Daylight to Dark


The crowds below me
gathered in many brigades.
Colours, rifles, banded hand grenades.
What of their intention?
What is of their mark?
Have they no idea
it is only ten minutes of daylight to dark?

Darkly and thunderous days of old ahead.
Darkly spectacular as those weapons leap
projected missiles coming to end
eons of historical architecture
designed creatively well
splendour unimaginable – gone to hell.

Obliterated beings now gone
human before the now
ten minutes later
who out there left can tell.

Mind ablaze, no longer sane.
Life erupted as one before explained
all over a nothingness, greed infused
with all that hatefulness
and no one or crowd
to there or then contest.

The rifle butt a brute at best
when men and women shout out
as a rebel to a cause
when in fact
to cease any opposing source.