Time for us, the people, to revert back to the original version of who we are. What we really believe we are and have at our own disposal.
We are a body of influence. We contain knowledge beyond our own abilities, but only then when we give time to research, estimate, understand and negotiate. But then what are we doing with all this characterisation of a human being?
What are we becoming in a world of un-rested-ness and shamefulness?
Are we truly a reliable source, of the we we know, given time to decide the outcomes for our future? How do the present dilemmas, of forced change in outlook, decision making and corrective behaviour affect that freedom to choose?
Are we capable of standing for our own rights, our liberties, our own histories of past generations who actually decided to stand strong against any violent form of protestation by political elites and their cohorts; whatever in their time that did actually mean?
What are our outcomes likely to pose in a future of no more decision by comparisons, no more ability to decide where or whatever one does choose to express? The whole mess is folding in on us and we appear to settle for a type of second nature, a type of irrevocable disaster.
God, I said one morning earlier in this pandemic extremism, what are You on the face of this mess? Some form of back-ender as if on a political platform of no one able to understand in your complex authoritarian motif? No was the reply, I AM on the bench waiting and watching if you can only wake to the turbulence before you and make a stand for your own right to exist and live as freely and comfortably as is possible, without a dictatorial influence to subject you to fear of any of the following: right to have a say; right to have freedom of speech regardless as long as it is not of the form to inflict harm and subject another to a state of fear from the banal but hurtful stand; freedom of choice as in your own being, your own state of human and being, being that you are more than the eye or ear, tongue or mouth can concur is the all, the everything we are as a frail human species.
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Can we become a source of our own human and being, of being, that source of mysterious nature that comes in through the mind of thought? Can we? Can we consider our past and future in the present situation at hand or do we consider handing over is far simpler until the walls are built high and the barbed wire on top shows something of a future; reminiscent of our own past as in a concentration apartment block, or a Sydney-sider living at the lower end of the spectrum? Can we? Oh yes we can but it will take a change in the value of who we are and the rise of an outlook which is present but of which we are not yet able to comprehend. We are still swirling in this ubiquitous state of manufactured, fear inducing affairs, and have handed over to some sort of consortium of which no end is in sight.
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We fell into the spell of lunacy. And now we are in the land of no value and no way out, suffocating the sense of our own validity and worth, our own human birth right and sense of purpose, direction and longing to enjoy whatever is possible within reason while we are to live on this once green and pleasant land.
Enjoy what you can, given the outlook is penury if no change.