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To deeply sympathise (love) requires personal experience.
In a first world country:
What sort of agency are we, the individual, if we come from the Anglo Saxon Euro-Centric tribe with its recent (last 300 odd years) spiritual history, typified by the Aryan bird of prey?
A history of inflicting chaos and plunder, generating refugees of the others from afar – leaves a biological inheritance of exceptionalism and with it extreme callousness.
The experience of being a refugee of sorts is upon us.
The experience I am thinking of is the exclusion or expulsion from the tribe.
Cultural war has been bubbling away since the First World War, but at a level such that it could be dismissed by the wilfully ignorant, until now – (the satanic energies afoot in the Western aligned world have exposed themselves sufficiently to be impossible to deny, even for the psychologically collapsed) – and still remain fully human.
Chaos and plunder of human values by beasts in human form, heading towards a totalitarianism of the masses, is not hard to see, given the World’s experience of the two great attempts last century.
The archetypal forces at play mirror somewhat those active in the great Western Christian tradition. With churches heavily weighted to upper middle class boomer adherents, the current neo-liberal political economy only tends to look after them and the upper class. The old idea of class warfare is not far from the surface, resulting in cherry picking the “causes” that are promoted and the poor and discarded are not high on the list.
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The night time crawling in
I feel a sudden-ness as if I am one as is him …
him who has to take refuge to be clear,
quiet even among the din elsewhere
so as to be alone
to think clearly about having to face
all of those homeless displaced.
For I am so party to warring lords
who cause the pain
to unsettle those who are on the move
because of what at times I am so fully unaware.
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