The Confessing Church
Dear Lord
I have been re-reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison. This is not something one finds easy to do as he clearly lays it on the line.
Does one live by your call or not?
In this moment of history – this moment of the secular pharisees, this moment of the almost wholesale semi-violent usurping of cohesion of our society, the question becomes:
On what do I base my response? – is it as Bonhoeffer shared:
“The ultimate question for a responsible man to ask is not how to extricate himself heroically from the affair, but how the coming generation is to live. It is only from this question with its responsibility toward history that fruitful solutions can come, even if for the time being they are humiliating.
… it is much easier to see a thing through from the point of view of abstract principle than from that of concrete responsibility.
The rising generation will always instinctively discern what we make the basis of our actions, for it is their future that is at stake.”
Dear Lord
Dear Lord
I have been re-reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Letters and Papers from Prison. This is not something one finds easy to do as he clearly lays it on the line.
Does one live by your call or not?
In this moment of history – this moment of the secular pharisees, this moment of the almost wholesale semi-violent usurping of cohesion of our society, the question becomes:
On what do I base my response? – is it as Bonhoeffer shared:
“The ultimate question for a responsible man to ask is not how to extricate himself heroically from the affair, but how the coming generation is to live. It is only from this question with its responsibility toward history that fruitful solutions can come, even if for the time being they are humiliating.
… it is much easier to see a thing through from the point of view of abstract principle than from that of concrete responsibility.
The rising generation will always instinctively discern what we make the basis of our actions, for it is their future that is at stake.”
Dear Lord
Did you go through this during your 40 days in the desert?
The idea of your path to martyrdom is rather fearful.
If that is necessary in all of the decisions we have to make along the way ahead, gift us with your strength to follow you faithfully.
Lord hear us.