Waking Up
What has the Christian Way to offer these days, to people who are searching for a spiritual sustenance but have run up against the failure of the mainstream church based expression, at best incomprehensible to many, at worst abusive in one form or another. For an organization whose prime focus is about creation, what has it got to say about the two greatest dangers to creation today; nuclear war and climate war. Dangers, the silence over which is now starting to be broken by young people with the courage to confront their future. And for which sacred pneuma has been, for people with ears to hear, constantly calling for urgent change.
The failure of the Christian Church to rework its foundational stories in language, symbols, rituals, celebration etc that young people of today can understand and respect has been a catastrophe. When the church joined the Empire in the fourth century and after the first seven ecumenical councils, the existential Jesus got progressively left behind.
How does one re-engage with that existential Jesus and his experience of dealing with a Jewish church that he perceived had lost its way?
To get some idea, a good starting point might be the first gospel (Mark) and its rendering of who Jesus was.
A man who taught what it was meant, to BE.
A modern day hero who walked a lonely path, misunderstood by even his closest followers, but a man in whom sacred pneuma had been able to work to bring about a union of the human and divine natures as much as this is possible in human beings. And through this union, the communication of what the kingdom of God might look like in action. Maybe something like the young people mentioned above.
The good news, is that if it happened to one; to be able to raise his level of consciousness to the level needed for this, it is open to others to follow suit and become human expressions of the mysterious Cosmic Mind like consciousness some call God.
Have a read of the linked article by Caitlin Johnstone and see what you make of it.
Do not let automatic rejection get in the way of the uncomfortable-ness of having to engage something off of the normal path. It seems that pneuma works everywhere and this might be another example.
One is always conscious of not letting the unknown stranger walk on past. That stranger may be the one for you.
What has the Christian Way to offer these days, to people who are searching for a spiritual sustenance but have run up against the failure of the mainstream church based expression, at best incomprehensible to many, at worst abusive in one form or another. For an organization whose prime focus is about creation, what has it got to say about the two greatest dangers to creation today; nuclear war and climate war. Dangers, the silence over which is now starting to be broken by young people with the courage to confront their future. And for which sacred pneuma has been, for people with ears to hear, constantly calling for urgent change.
The failure of the Christian Church to rework its foundational stories in language, symbols, rituals, celebration etc that young people of today can understand and respect has been a catastrophe. When the church joined the Empire in the fourth century and after the first seven ecumenical councils, the existential Jesus got progressively left behind.
How does one re-engage with that existential Jesus and his experience of dealing with a Jewish church that he perceived had lost its way?
To get some idea, a good starting point might be the first gospel (Mark) and its rendering of who Jesus was.
A man who taught what it was meant, to BE.
A modern day hero who walked a lonely path, misunderstood by even his closest followers, but a man in whom sacred pneuma had been able to work to bring about a union of the human and divine natures as much as this is possible in human beings. And through this union, the communication of what the kingdom of God might look like in action. Maybe something like the young people mentioned above.
The good news, is that if it happened to one; to be able to raise his level of consciousness to the level needed for this, it is open to others to follow suit and become human expressions of the mysterious Cosmic Mind like consciousness some call God.
Have a read of the linked article by Caitlin Johnstone and see what you make of it.
Do not let automatic rejection get in the way of the uncomfortable-ness of having to engage something off of the normal path. It seems that pneuma works everywhere and this might be another example.
One is always conscious of not letting the unknown stranger walk on past. That stranger may be the one for you.