Religious reaction
Alastair Crooke’s article is very interesting in as much as it seems to reflect amongst others, on a growing panic in the Jewish Tribe.
Has it, at its base, a possible late flowering religious reaction to failed Humanism, which the Christian West has been going through now for the last three hundred odd years, coming to a peek in the 19th century, with the resultant cultural wreckage spreading until the present?
Surprisingly to this observer, uninformed of development in Jewish religion and culture, is it possible that similar to the scream of Luther and Calvinism, the latter connected with Humanism in Bourgeoisie culture, is being heard here too?
The author quoted by Crooke seems well into fear and panic, that the darkness of the Luther prescription, blind faith, and the fanatical fear of sinfulness resulting in the search for the elect status of an individual is returning to Jewish culture. Albeit in the Jewish case, all of the tribe having to qualify, not just the individual – and the fracturing effect that will have.
(“But what we can observe frightening Caspit so in his Ma’ariv pleading, is his fear that Israel may be transiting now, from liberal Zionism (of the early Kibbutzim stalwarts) back towards Yahweyism.”)
If this is anywhere near the mark, one could see some of the underlying driving forces.
Since the end of World War II, one could almost entertain the thought that the new Israel took roots in the U.S.A. with Palestine, being only a colony of that parent.
The problem with setting up camp in the U.S., is that any ethnic group is subjected to the overwhelming cultural religion of “America” itself, underpinned by the secular humanist values of ego, will and reason. – A most individualistic inducing way where blind faith and fanatical literalism has long ago killed off the church base of Western religion in the Eurocentric world.
The U.S. as the Eurocentric white world’s great hope to save Christian culture has comprehensively failed to accept that sacred vocation, irrespective of how much it tells itself that it is the exceptional nation, based on the pilgrim city on the hill. – A reference to the temple on temple mount in Jerusalem and almost a subconscious understanding now of the U.S’s. new Israel role?
Tangentially, this is an irony when looking at the fanatical literal Calvinists in the American Christian Zionist political right doing everything they can to try and set up the Palestine colony, but in the process sowing havoc within the new Israel and doing its bit in starting to tear the U.S. apart from the inside. How can rapture happen if that comes to pass?
The much touted demise of Islam through the overwhelming strength of U.S. led Western humanist culture where greed, comfort and plenty will ride triumphant was comprehensively answered in the negative by the catastrophe of September 11, 2001. The metaphorical/metaphysical significance of that event in both religious and cultural terms is overwhelming and still reverberating throughout the Eurocentric white world.
And so…
How can the Jewish Tribe continue to remain “pure” in this sort of battle between the individual versus the tribe when to some, Yahweh’s Law is being gradually diminished?
Does it mean that being Jewish in the 21st century has become ethnic cultural, and not exclusively ethnic religious – Similar perhaps to the tremendous pressures that are tearing the Western Christian religious culture to pieces?
Probably completely off the mark but it does trigger thoughtfulness.
Further surveying of the U.S. landscape will now be needed for signs of any other “indications” hinting of these wild thoughts.
Follow the link and see what you make of Alistair Crooke’s ideas.