Heroic Greta Thunberg
One of the most obvious things that hits one when attending Church services is the predominance of the older age group making up the congregations.
Some of the Pentecostal Churches do have a greater number of young people attending and while they are growing in size, word of mouth indications are that there is also a relatively, not insignificant, turnover of young followers. Additionally, while this growth is good news, they make up a fairly small percentage of the whole Church going population.
With the Baby Boomer generation that currently seem to make up the bulk of congregations, there is but about 15 years left before the thinning out becomes terminal.
Now the only glaring conclusion I can come to, is the passing on of the Christian message to younger generations has seemed to have sadly failed.
I feared failure when I was working for a living, but since retirement I have come to fear it more. And this sense of failure is not about the demise of the organisational Church, but the failure to let young people know that “Whether or not we survive is irrelevant. How we each live is an imperative”. For in the living is the measure of who you are and that goes with you into the Cosmic Mind/Memory of God in eternity.
I find this personally a devastating thought. How one can work out this failure when one becomes disembodied, the mystics tell us is very difficult.
In the business world there seems to be an axiom that says, there’s no standing still. You’re either moving forward or you’re moving backward.
If one is in the “business” of passing on the Way, you look for the potential young leaders of tomorrow and then do everything you can to support them. From sociology comes an idea that somewhere between 5%-10% of society lead change; about the same percentages will not change at all, and the remaining 80% will tend to follow where the leaders go.
For us older ones, the need to not let fear and the pursuit of comfort – emotional and psychological comfort – get in the way of letting the younger budding leaders start to experiment.
Christianity is currently going through the 5th/6th great change in its history, and its name that describes it is Liberation.
It is the young people who now know that we “olders” have let them down. The threat Extinction is its name. And wilful ignorance will not change that.
Identify the potential young leaders in your communities; get out of their way by accepting change in the way that the Way gets promulgated; and give them total focused support in the best way that you can.
A beatific eternal life may depend on it!
One of the most obvious things that hits one when attending Church services is the predominance of the older age group making up the congregations.
Some of the Pentecostal Churches do have a greater number of young people attending and while they are growing in size, word of mouth indications are that there is also a relatively, not insignificant, turnover of young followers. Additionally, while this growth is good news, they make up a fairly small percentage of the whole Church going population.
With the Baby Boomer generation that currently seem to make up the bulk of congregations, there is but about 15 years left before the thinning out becomes terminal.
Now the only glaring conclusion I can come to, is the passing on of the Christian message to younger generations has seemed to have sadly failed.
I feared failure when I was working for a living, but since retirement I have come to fear it more. And this sense of failure is not about the demise of the organisational Church, but the failure to let young people know that “Whether or not we survive is irrelevant. How we each live is an imperative”. For in the living is the measure of who you are and that goes with you into the Cosmic Mind/Memory of God in eternity.
I find this personally a devastating thought. How one can work out this failure when one becomes disembodied, the mystics tell us is very difficult.
In the business world there seems to be an axiom that says, there’s no standing still. You’re either moving forward or you’re moving backward.
If one is in the “business” of passing on the Way, you look for the potential young leaders of tomorrow and then do everything you can to support them. From sociology comes an idea that somewhere between 5%-10% of society lead change; about the same percentages will not change at all, and the remaining 80% will tend to follow where the leaders go.
For us older ones, the need to not let fear and the pursuit of comfort – emotional and psychological comfort – get in the way of letting the younger budding leaders start to experiment.
Christianity is currently going through the 5th/6th great change in its history, and its name that describes it is Liberation.
It is the young people who now know that we “olders” have let them down. The threat Extinction is its name. And wilful ignorance will not change that.
Identify the potential young leaders in your communities; get out of their way by accepting change in the way that the Way gets promulgated; and give them total focused support in the best way that you can.
A beatific eternal life may depend on it!