Spirit in the Life of the Church
When looking at the lives of past US Presidents of within living memory, why does Jimmy Carter stand out? For those of the Christian Way, a re-reading of Paul’s letter to the community in Galatia might give some clues worth reflection.
Like Paul, here was a man, when occupying the position of President (and within the confines of that gloried and hoped for redemptive role) attempted to call the people of the United States back to a life powered by the Spirit of God. – The Spirit of Life.
When looking at the lives of past US Presidents of within living memory, why does Jimmy Carter stand out? For those of the Christian Way, a re-reading of Paul’s letter to the community in Galatia might give some clues worth reflection.
Like Paul, here was a man, when occupying the position of President (and within the confines of that gloried and hoped for redemptive role) attempted to call the people of the United States back to a life powered by the Spirit of God. – The Spirit of Life.
Alas this prophet, like most others, was ridiculed and scorned. The Nation continued on its way, placing its faith in the “Law of the Land”. If the fallacy of that path cannot be seen, particularly since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-9 and its evidence of massive, overwhelming corruption; no longer gradually, but more like rushing towards Hell, then only one result – damnation will follow.
Unlike the followers of Abraham, fellow travellers of the current corrupt path will end up in the same outcome. A re-visiting of the efforts of Carter’s Presidency might be an opportunity for the transforming power of the Spirit to effect another breakthrough in our opening to reality. Paul’s call to the Galatians is a clarion call to all in the Eurocentric West today. Consider chapter 5 verses 13-15. – How well do I who claims to be a follower, a pilgrim of the Way, measure up? Paul’s call to the Galatians, chapters 4,5,6 make it clear that living by the Spirit is the opposite to living by the law of fickle public opinion.
There always seems to be something to come along and burst the bubble!