Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the King’s horses and all the King’s men, couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Sitting in a clinic recently, just having had a flue vaccine injection, I overheard a man and woman talking. The gist of the conversation was to the effect that neither could wait for things to get back to normal. Well, being interested in exploring that a little, I tossed in the comment to the effect; yes, but it will be back to a new normal, not the old normal.
Blank looks and then body language that suggested a further distancing of themselves if they could.
And so, a quick flick of the eyebrows and then back to yesterday.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
I have thought about that since.
What does it take to live in the now, the today?
In other words, what does it take to live, always in transition? In this time of pandemic, the acuteness of that question is emphasised.
What does it take to let go of ‘tradition’, the old ways, and fashion a path needed for growth?
Jesus’ example of that certainly does not seem to auger well for an easy road.
1. An outstanding human being;
2. Acutely aware of the needs of his society;
3. Solitary to a degree, isolated from most save his immediate followers and even they did not understand him some of the time;
4. A man exemplar of what it means to be in love.
Do not expect to be liked for this; it challenged people in Jesus’ day and it is probably fair to say that today is more complicated than yesterday, but that human nature has not changed much in the transition.
The old Humpty Dumpty has broken apart and the piggy bank has been found to be practically empty; robbed by the hoards of sharks, the so-called 1% with their entailed 20% courtiers of piranha.
Unless you live ‘off shore’ (both your money and yourself), ‘the new internationalists’, start thinking what it might be like going back to a feudal like system, redolent of yesterday. Each day that passes, the possibility of that destiny seems more likely to start to grow; well at least for the rest of us 80%.
No. No. No.
The way forward is the Jesus way and its name is LIBERATION.
But, if one follows that way at least one thing needs to be kept in mind.
When one flouts tradition/yesterday, one needs to be exceptionally good at the new way, tomorrow’s way. You need to be excellent at what you are doing both for self justification of the changed way you are forging, and also because it makes it more difficult for the arrow and stone throwers to hit your mark as yesterday’s people will try and do.
Needs a lot more thought and reflection but I sense that it is what the BUG is telling us to do!
What will today’s evolving liberation look like tomorrow?
I only wish I knew, or that a crystal ball was conveniently to hand but perhaps a much more pressing question, is what will it take to have the courage to rise to the call?
Well, one thing it will take that I feel absolutely sure about is another Jesus characteristic; a deep belief in your own self worth.That sense of worth that is as strong as granite; that Archimedean rock to stand on that will not let go, unlike quicksand. That sense that you are here to do a job that comes of a higher calling.
Not a ‘new internationalist’ but a Cosmic Wayfarer.That sense that you have a contract to fulfil. A contract entered into before inception, part of your Cosmic trajectory through eternity.
That is what I imagine Jesus felt and also what was sensed by the community of John’s gospel about the man Jesus, both remembered and contemplated.