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Anything Goes

Rancour in its Head
1In the old Hebrew idea of time (quality time) we might say that we are in a time of conflict.
On the other hand we might say that it is the best of times as the great Cosmic Mystery (God, Allah, Krishna, Tao, etc, etc) is starting to show its hand.
In the Christian way of mysticism and prophecy we have but four stories, each one shining its partial light on Truth.
What do we have today, particularly uncovered in its rawness? – we have the Narrative which is an ongoing saga of anything goes: any lie or misrepresentation or fear mongering technique to keep Dark the spiritual madness of the technocratic/trans-humanist ideology and the priests and priestesses of the church of world domination.
What seems to be left of the Western tradition of the Institutional Christian Church, is a small collection of mainly emotion centred groups putting out a midrash-ed fundamentalist story that the young cannot give allegiance to: with the spiritual centred groups still putting out the same story that has been on the endless loop tape which has been playing for the last millennium or so. What has kept that machine powered is the ability to devour the mammoth assets built up by generations past, keeping the clothes of the Episcopate brightly coloured and their tables overflowing.
But now, the secular Church of Rationalist Scientific Materialism seems to have started hitting a brick wall, with vicious fanaticism (rancour) rising like a mushroom spectre. The problem is, as Hannah Arendt is quoted is saying, their cyborg utopia looks like hell, and they are only at the early stage of their journey.
We can talk about bringing these perpetrators to justice through the mechanism of law with its eternal time frame, but criminal enterprises seem to be only brought to ground through the exercise of force. Hence we are now in WW III, which like previous margues of the same brand will only end in the defeat of one side or the other, or the extinction of all.
For the pew sitter; keep your eyes and ears open, looking for any evidence of an awakening in the whited sepulchres and if and when you see it, throw your total support behind it. The current wave of mass hypnosis will call you to your death otherwise.
And make no mistake, inattentional blindness is a killer. Like Jesus of the first of the four stories, you are left with the “I” unless you can grasp that “AM” being offered through passionate relationship with the spirit of Mystery.

I am.

Peace be with you.

As the rejoinder goes – don’t tell me, show me it put into action.
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