An affliction of the power-seeking drunk
This seems to be a condition associated with the religious pursuit and it is, but not confined just to the great wisdom traditions of the world.
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Having said that, Europe has had copious examples of ‘Church’ led crusades, but they were not quite as effective as the massive Secular Religion’s upheavals, particularly visible during the 20th century.
All perverted Messiahs need a vehicle to ‘save the masses’, accompanied by character flaws that allow this type of spiritual madness to grow and flourish.
The two great power systems from last century affording the Messiah a platform, Fascism and Communism have carried over into this century and are gaining strength again.
The pseudo messiah’s great character flaws (besides pathologies) are hubris; power worship; envy; greed; humbug.
It depends at what point on the Messiahship vertical scale the candidate sits, as to the ratio of money to power that becomes the prime motivator. That of course does not include the fool and fanatic whose activating passion is lack of love. One also needs to look at the preferred method of applied oppression; on the violence scale.
It is unavoidable to look back to last century’s manifestations to see behaviour similarities and in how the Messiah’s of that era affected the young. This of course needs to be broken up into two halves:
Pre 1945 and post 1945.
Pre 1945, the major affect was death on a gargantuan scale, accompanied by the loss of freedoms instituted to fight WW I, and then never reinstated after 1918.
Post 1945, the predominant factors have been; robbing people (particularly the young) of their humanity, continuing loss of freedoms, and their indebtedness to a state of penury.
Overarching all this was the continuing transfer of wealth from the majority to the few, albeit with the democracy hiccup from 1945 to the mid 1970’s slowing this for a while.
All of this is in plain sight today.
What is surprising to see are young people (and not so young) starting to see through the futileness of the cultural collapse in values, meaning and purpose that this current political economic system inculcates, and they are rejecting it.
This is becoming evident more so in the 80% – 90% who have been formed through education in all its forms to fill the roles of the servants and a growing proportion seeming having no use and hence inviting elimination.
The upper comprador set 10%-20% or ‘new internationalists’ had a brighter future appearing ahead of them until the financial crash of 2020/2021, piggy backed onto the pandemic. It will be interesting to see how this pans out in the years ahead, as the work for this cohort goes where the capital goes, and that is increasingly leading East. In a bifurcated world being sought by the Eurocentric World, opportunities are likely to shrink.
That is presupposing that serious size war is not resorted to and then nothing will look familiar again.
So much for the secular religion.
What about the Western Christian tradition that still tries to hang on?
Well, its demise got a tremendous kick start with its support for war in 1914-1918. – a colossal blunder of the first magnitude. But one only needs review Germany 1934-1945 to see it starkly, with the name “The Confessing Lutheran Church” as an exemplary standout example.
The dark Messiah of that time, intended to destroy Christianity but understood that it wasn’t necessary to use massive violence to achieve that end. He understood that the majority of Churched Christians would not in the end give up their positions, perks, prestige, livelihoods etc and would be brought to heal.
It turned out that people like the Confessing Church who would only give their allegiance to God, where ones needing elimination.
When viewed from afar, Christian Fascism and Christian Communism/Socialism seems to sit so shallowly under the surface that it takes little to provoke it.
The next 10 years are set to be quite cataclysmic.
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This seems to be a condition associated with the religious pursuit and it is, but not confined just to the great wisdom traditions of the world.
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Having said that, Europe has had copious examples of ‘Church’ led crusades, but they were not quite as effective as the massive Secular Religion’s upheavals, particularly visible during the 20th century.
All perverted Messiahs need a vehicle to ‘save the masses’, accompanied by character flaws that allow this type of spiritual madness to grow and flourish.
The two great power systems from last century affording the Messiah a platform, Fascism and Communism have carried over into this century and are gaining strength again.
The pseudo messiah’s great character flaws (besides pathologies) are hubris; power worship; envy; greed; humbug.
It depends at what point on the Messiahship vertical scale the candidate sits, as to the ratio of money to power that becomes the prime motivator. That of course does not include the fool and fanatic whose activating passion is lack of love. One also needs to look at the preferred method of applied oppression; on the violence scale.
It is unavoidable to look back to last century’s manifestations to see behaviour similarities and in how the Messiah’s of that era affected the young. This of course needs to be broken up into two halves:
Pre 1945 and post 1945.
Pre 1945, the major affect was death on a gargantuan scale, accompanied by the loss of freedoms instituted to fight WW I, and then never reinstated after 1918.
Post 1945, the predominant factors have been; robbing people (particularly the young) of their humanity, continuing loss of freedoms, and their indebtedness to a state of penury.
Overarching all this was the continuing transfer of wealth from the majority to the few, albeit with the democracy hiccup from 1945 to the mid 1970’s slowing this for a while.
All of this is in plain sight today.
What is surprising to see are young people (and not so young) starting to see through the futileness of the cultural collapse in values, meaning and purpose that this current political economic system inculcates, and they are rejecting it.
This is becoming evident more so in the 80% – 90% who have been formed through education in all its forms to fill the roles of the servants and a growing proportion seeming having no use and hence inviting elimination.
The upper comprador set 10%-20% or ‘new internationalists’ had a brighter future appearing ahead of them until the financial crash of 2020/2021, piggy backed onto the pandemic. It will be interesting to see how this pans out in the years ahead, as the work for this cohort goes where the capital goes, and that is increasingly leading East. In a bifurcated world being sought by the Eurocentric World, opportunities are likely to shrink.
That is presupposing that serious size war is not resorted to and then nothing will look familiar again.
So much for the secular religion.
What about the Western Christian tradition that still tries to hang on?
Well, its demise got a tremendous kick start with its support for war in 1914-1918. – a colossal blunder of the first magnitude. But one only needs review Germany 1934-1945 to see it starkly, with the name “The Confessing Lutheran Church” as an exemplary standout example.
The dark Messiah of that time, intended to destroy Christianity but understood that it wasn’t necessary to use massive violence to achieve that end. He understood that the majority of Churched Christians would not in the end give up their positions, perks, prestige, livelihoods etc and would be brought to heal.
It turned out that people like the Confessing Church who would only give their allegiance to God, where ones needing elimination.
When viewed from afar, Christian Fascism and Christian Communism/Socialism seems to sit so shallowly under the surface that it takes little to provoke it.
The next 10 years are set to be quite cataclysmic.
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