The Wind in Time
The freezing Covid arctic like wind has swept the rubble and dust of the wreckage of Western culture into a blizzard that is blinding the dream like fantasy of more and more for ever.
Now, given that the culture is predominantly a product of the upper classes; people with some degree of leisure time away from the dictatorship of total work to pursue the seeking of wisdom, if desired; plus the deliberate greed driven attempt to steer it in directions beneficial to the power elite controlling huge resources dedicated to producing myths for the sheep to follow as circumstances continually change; – given that, the current frozen nature of the “Wind in Time” in Eurocentric culture is easily understood.
And so one wonders, what has been the key feature allowing the generation of this collapse? Let me suggest that the abandonment by the ruling class, of a class demand that merit is at its core, opened the way to the rise of the five eyes of evil destroying the West: Hubris; Power Worship; Envy; Greed and Humbug.
Fragmented gangster-ism as currently evident, cannot flourish without them.
And so, where does that leave the individual who can recognise the need for change, but where none of the current societal choices fit the need? Where does the individual find a solid enough base to stand in going the way of standing apart from the herd in their endeavour to try and effect some change for good?
Can I suggest that the reversal of Friedrich Nietzsche’s observation of the death of god in the hearts of Eurocentric people will be the only way, and for this to happen, the individual will have to find and develop a personal relationship with the divine within, albeit God understood in a very different way.
The institutional expression of the “religious way” in the West has effectively committed suicide and so a more marginal mystical way will be needed. In Christianity, John’s gospel provides that window, if not read literally. The way ahead could be stated as God consciousness, allowing for a newly thawed Wind and Breath to flow.
The search for how to do this is the core task for this new age. Perhaps Delphi provides a clue to start with?
The hollowness of man is where the divine enters.
The freezing Covid arctic like wind has swept the rubble and dust of the wreckage of Western culture into a blizzard that is blinding the dream like fantasy of more and more for ever.
Now, given that the culture is predominantly a product of the upper classes; people with some degree of leisure time away from the dictatorship of total work to pursue the seeking of wisdom, if desired; plus the deliberate greed driven attempt to steer it in directions beneficial to the power elite controlling huge resources dedicated to producing myths for the sheep to follow as circumstances continually change; – given that, the current frozen nature of the “Wind in Time” in Eurocentric culture is easily understood.
And so one wonders, what has been the key feature allowing the generation of this collapse? Let me suggest that the abandonment by the ruling class, of a class demand that merit is at its core, opened the way to the rise of the five eyes of evil destroying the West: Hubris; Power Worship; Envy; Greed and Humbug.
Fragmented gangster-ism as currently evident, cannot flourish without them.
And so, where does that leave the individual who can recognise the need for change, but where none of the current societal choices fit the need? Where does the individual find a solid enough base to stand in going the way of standing apart from the herd in their endeavour to try and effect some change for good?
Can I suggest that the reversal of Friedrich Nietzsche’s observation of the death of god in the hearts of Eurocentric people will be the only way, and for this to happen, the individual will have to find and develop a personal relationship with the divine within, albeit God understood in a very different way.
The institutional expression of the “religious way” in the West has effectively committed suicide and so a more marginal mystical way will be needed. In Christianity, John’s gospel provides that window, if not read literally. The way ahead could be stated as God consciousness, allowing for a newly thawed Wind and Breath to flow.
The search for how to do this is the core task for this new age. Perhaps Delphi provides a clue to start with?
The hollowness of man is where the divine enters.