For this old pew sitter, there have been a number of notable articles appearing on the World Wide Web over the last twelve month or so, addressing the question of where/how/why the COVID-19 virus entered the human species domain.
Three articles have been of particular interest, given the serious research effort that seems to have gone into their production.
• The (china syndrome, (four part series) by Philippe Lemoine in Quillette
• The Lab Leak Hypothesis by Nicolson Baker in New York Magazine.
• Origin of Covid – following the clues by Nicolas Wade in Medium
The outtake of these three pieces is that the probability of a natural source origin for this virus now looks fairly remote. The likelihood of it being man made now stares in the face of humanity with increasing power.
This of course was the assertion that the much hated and reviled 45th President of the United States kept proclaiming and then blaming it on China, the place where the virus was first detected in their population. Much as the civilised world hates to admit it, he may have been correct in its how?
The where of its creation and why of its release though is a very different and explosive issue if this hypothesis gains growing acceptance and an increased effort to find out, proceeds with vigour.
Using logical reasoning there are a number of hypothesis that can be formulated for the where and why.
The Australian Federal Government’s call for an investigation into those matters (causing great damage to the country’s relations with other countries in its region in particular due to its political overtones) seems far in front of others. One wonders if those in government responsible for this leadership position have actually carefully considered the possible outcome of that investigation, especially if it turns out that malicious intent was involved and by whom.
As Job discovered in his wrestling with the Angel, awakening to the truth can be a very painful experience.
One also hopes that born again Christianity does not in effect mean going back to a childhood level world view.