Represents wholeness for me.
The cross vertical arm represents the meeting of two trajectories.
The upper movement of the human aspiration to meet the transcendent Mystery.
The downward movement of the Mystery becoming incarnate in the human being.
The cross horizontal arm representing the human trajectory in chronological time.
The equal arm length cross dividing the circle in four equal quadrants being the symbol of the sought for unity of the two aspects resulting in the wholeness of a human being.
This is not magical but a very rational thing.
Natural but not foregone. It takes know-how, work and relationship (with the other)
The upward thrust can be seen in the historical markers that have survived.
For instance: if you have had the opportunity to visit the prehistoric cave paintings at places like Niaux, Lascaux, Pech Merle etc. in France, you not only see the striving to express graphically that thrust, but you also experience the sense of sacredness – the setting apart; that these artists long, long ago must have felt and sensed.
The downward thrust has been seen in exceptional human beings situated within the historical envelope. People like Jesus the Christ; Muhammad; Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha; Lao Tzu; and many others. Human beings who have risen to such a level of consciousness/self awareness that the Mystery is genuinely expressed in them; in their own particular aspect of it.
These are people who represent the pinnacle of the wholeness achieved by human beings to this time, people with a total level of commitment to know thyself to make this possible. – Change of a different outlook is possible – but no other way seems known than inwardly to one’s mind; dormant through lack of use, care, denial, fortitude, or simply being unaware for most of us
The Mystery is the making sense of whatever already exists but appears elusive, out of reach because one can easily become confused or distorted by seeing reality as truth when real TRUTH (capital T) is inside oneself. There to know who you really are and how to survive, by leaving the tribal influences and making your own ‘way’ to a more whole or rounded view of what life was and now can become. A view without the self inflicting, despicable views which only cause oneself and others some pain of various forms.