Who worries or cares today?
Have you noticed the increasing amount of concern being expressed overseas of late? The linked article by Col. Andrew Bacevich is just one of many starting to appear regularly on the more main stream alternate media blogs in the US and Europe. The increase in internal US cultural stressors, particularly evident in the current implosion of the Mueller debacle and the continuing increase in identity politics fragmentation, coupled with the need for the US military to start looking at having to recruit 16 year old youths, triggers some anxiety. Additionally, the increasing proliferation of gun related massacres in the US is frightening.
This of course is not isolated to the US. The recent revelations concerning the Malaysian Government rejecting the professional conduct of the MH17 joint inquiry, seems to put a previous and current Australian Foreign Minister in a somewhat embarrassing position.
Poor Old Blighty also seems to be in a real pickle, what with teetering government, then a new Executive after a bloodbath massacre of the old Theresa May crew and, the ongoing BREXIT fiasco.
Additionally, an article penned by Roberto Savio in Italy The Precipitous Barbarisation of Our Times also doesn’t skirt the issues.
All of the above of course is only talking about the antics of “squabbling politicians as reported mainly by scavenging newspaper scribblers”
The critical thing is, who cares, who even takes any interest these days as long as there is a perception that there is still something to get out of the trough?
I guess that I am too old not to remember that not so many decades ago there was an idea that was current in society, that in life, it is better to live for a purpose greater than oneself.
The collapse of religious meaning in Western European culture of both Catholicism of the Roman rite and Protestant variants of Calvinist persuasions is finally realistically looking as if heading into a terminal phase.
Take a moment to read the linked articles and see how good an argument you can mount to counter Bacevich’s and Salvio’s assertions.