Propaganda lies to the Authors as much as the Audience
Crashing through the Everglades he stood there in the quagmire, detritus of our times.
Fuming I had to go around him forcing me to then enquire …
What of this hell does have you standing here … here in my fastest drive through door way?
Highways of detritus and doggy type food tins hither thither. No plastic bags though, an improvement now I suppose, but as I look over this trash, it says more about you there stuck in this stuff.
And here is a winner, a Bi-Line Newspaper head line …
Crashing through the Everglades he stood there in the quagmire, detritus of our times.
Fuming I had to go around him forcing me to then enquire …
What of this hell does have you standing here … here in my fastest drive through door way?
Highways of detritus and doggy type food tins hither thither. No plastic bags though, an improvement now I suppose, but as I look over this trash, it says more about you there stuck in this stuff.
And here is a winner, a Bi-Line Newspaper head line …
I am here to see if anyone is at least now aware of what we in particular; westernised, globalised, militarised, capitalistic conquerors of all, went along with in pursuit of this most gloriously fed wealth stream. Only for us, the wealth of nature and what other men, women and children have done to plan and work for their existence in the future, which after the plunder will exist no more?
This is my virgin trial as I am a visitor as such, with no prior contamination from the hoards that are here. What it took in life times of other peoples to destroy, the westernised, plagiarised, militarised, criminalised torturers lot have done to these others in an instant almost, while singing with “purity of voice and message” the hypocrisy of which, one would have to be here to appreciate.
And then back home they go to a civil society with a sense of morality and honour and propriety of respect toward one another. Do they realise they will need to become aware of how to prepare should depravity and loss of respect for their humanity occur, when conscience and a deep sense of the preciousness of life vanishes, if the enormity of their sinfulness strikes?
Within a greed and debt ridden, moral-less mentality, how can the governors prepare a way out to encourage strength in an individual to continue to hold their countenance for a love of the land and all the creatures one and all that inhabit it?
In the rising levels of chaos, is a blind faith enough to know how to be a true expression of the life force that creates all?
Only the hubris of the exceptional and/or elect seems to make them think so!
This is my virgin trial as I am a visitor as such, with no prior contamination from the hoards that are here. What it took in life times of other peoples to destroy, the westernised, plagiarised, militarised, criminalised torturers lot have done to these others in an instant almost, while singing with “purity of voice and message” the hypocrisy of which, one would have to be here to appreciate.
And then back home they go to a civil society with a sense of morality and honour and propriety of respect toward one another. Do they realise they will need to become aware of how to prepare should depravity and loss of respect for their humanity occur, when conscience and a deep sense of the preciousness of life vanishes, if the enormity of their sinfulness strikes?
Within a greed and debt ridden, moral-less mentality, how can the governors prepare a way out to encourage strength in an individual to continue to hold their countenance for a love of the land and all the creatures one and all that inhabit it?
In the rising levels of chaos, is a blind faith enough to know how to be a true expression of the life force that creates all?
Only the hubris of the exceptional and/or elect seems to make them think so!